Sunday, September 15, 2013


I totally forgot about blogging until I switched on my laptop to upload some photos.. the reliance on smartphone simply makes the laptop less efficient.

well, just a summary of my life at this point of time: Entering the corporate world is not easy at all, more responsibilities & more competition = more things to worry about. I'm entering the 6th month of my working life since I've graduated and I think its time to set some goals.

oh, and having seen my friend's DRASTIC change in improving her health and fitness, I'm also super motivated to tone up and exercise on a regular basis. n I think I need to set an alarm to do squats daily.

keeping my fingers crossed that this motivation can last longer. lol!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Finally, I'm declared a healthy person, with a healthy pumping heart.

For the past 3 months, I tried to think positive, tried to accept the fact that I might have a heart problem, my high risk of cardiac arrest and sudden death.

many thoughts, many struggles, many worries and then acceptance. really glad to have friends to help me tide through this period, reading up on the problem and comforting words. it definitely wasn't easy.

Anyway, it was a meaningful experience and I've learnt to treasure my precious life.

i'm soooooo glad. phew!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Needs exercise!

Realised I haven't been exercising ever since my iso & body sculpting classes ended.


its so hard to resist the temptation to snack throughout the day.. i'm even resorting to wear my retainers so that I stop eating. hahahaha =X

Sunday, July 14, 2013


回繞著社會的要求, 握著無法控制的方向盤, 緊張, 憂鬱.
也許只能閉上眼睛, 坦然地撇開擾亂心情的雜物, 才得以釋放.
但說到容易,  做到難.
冰冷的心, 何時會融化.

Monday, July 1, 2013


been a while since i blogged.. i'm not exactly busy, just lazy, plus blogging needs 'Feel'.

work has been great n i'm approaching my 3rd mth soon~  its so enjoyable each day that I'm eating way too much. I can feel it when my pants gets tighter. Grrrrr. i need to exercise more liao..

anw, i guess this shld be one of the best period of my life. --> becos there's NO EXAMS! i can neva forget the yuccky feeling of rushing assignments and mugging days. =X

Alright, on a side note, i think i need to make myself more independent.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sick & Slack

Snorts.. i'm just gonna waste my precious sunday away even though i noe i have some stuffs on hand that i need to do. no mooooood n i can feel my head telling me 'i'm not gonna think a slight bit today'.

blame it on the weather, pms.... whatever.

n btw, happy monthsary to my worklife~ lols i'm feeling more blended into my clique and i guess work is picking up. looking forward to payday too =P

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Food for Thought: 女人


I can't help but say that education is extremely impt for a girl. its not solely about achieving financial independence, it is also about being able to analyze situations and think more in-depth.

The possibility of an educated girl being led by the nose by a guy is lesser. yes/no? what's your take?

Monday, April 22, 2013

Approaching 24 lo

i thought i should blog before i turn 24 tomorrow. lol!

so here it goes..

I've just stepped back into the workforce for about a week now.. Things have not quite stablized yet and I'm praying hard that the bits and pieces will fall in place nicely after a month or so. oh welllsss.... as usual, its the awkward and insecure phase at work where one needs to learn fast, make friends, observe ppl and act like a mature and intelligent person. not easy man! i'm trying hard to conceal my noobness =/

next step after my work has stablised would be to do some planning for the near future. some things would be to draw up a savings plan - the urge to shop for clothes is super duper high la!, start exercising on a regular basis, list down the things that I want/need to do, maybe start fishing so that my dear friends will stop nagging at me, oh n also write a will. haha.

Things are happening in such an unpredictable fashion~

alright, time to sleep X_X

Friday, March 29, 2013

Tuesday, March 19, 2013



我猜这个愿望快要实现了。哈哈。 就让我这个温室里的小‘花’成长吧。

再会吧,风调雨顺的生活。崎岖的路, 我来咯!


Monday, January 28, 2013

Food for Thought: The End

Finally, the emotional roller coaster ride has ended. End of shuffling too.

I'm glad~ Time to get a good rest, recharge and get ready for future challenges.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Drama: 螺丝小姐要出嫁

Just finished watching the last episode of 螺丝小姐要出嫁.

<3 the ending phrase:

"曾经在爱里受伤过的女孩们, 我们都是最美丽的花朵。 上天给的那些心痛考验,都是为了帮我们筛选出最值得珍惜的那个人。然后在他的爱里,我们才能够温柔绽放。总有一天, 你会发现生命早就为你准备好最棒的人,在前方等着你."