Friday, November 30, 2012



Wednesday, November 28, 2012


对于亲情,友情,爱情, 勉强不是我的作风。只有努力或放弃。

Monday, November 26, 2012


自从从中学毕业后,就再也没有拿起一本故事书了。近年来,忙着工作,学业, 朋友,家人,何曾有时间拿起一本故事书呢?

终于,大学读完了。现在也没工作,我便兴致勃勃地到了图书馆,借了一本‘尤今’ 的小品文。哇,原来能静静,细细的阅读,是件非常非常享受的事。一页又一页,都舍不得停下来。。 尤今的每一个小品文, 浑然天成,每一篇都让我有着一丝丝的感动。

正当我在静静阅读的途中,突然有了个领悟。我们每天每夜都在与外界联系与通讯, 能给自己的时间少之又少。我是个自私的人,所以觉得能拥有个人空间,享受平静, 是多么的珍贵。


Sunday, November 25, 2012

Sub-conscious reigns..

I was really shocked by my sub-conscious thoughts that replayed themselves in my dreams for two consecutive nights while i was consciously thinking about an issue during the day.

it was scary but it has led me to think though more carefully about making any momentous decision.

but for now, i'm certain my conscious thoughts cannot win over my sub-conscious.


Friday, November 16, 2012

Food for Thought: Poorest President

This morning I read this article posted by Dr Jiajia's FB page. It was about the world's poorest president. Check this out:

& I absolutely adore this quote ->

“I’m called ‘the poorest president’, but I don’t feel poor. Poor people are those who only work to try to keep an expensive lifestyle, and always want more and more,” he says.

out of curiosity, i searched for '知足常乐' in youtube to see what i can find. and then i found this  song: 知足是幸福


Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Yums: Baked rice

Its been quite some time since I ventured into the culinary world... I'm always apprehensive to make a meal but after seeing how simple it is to whip up a meal thru my friend's blog.. I decided to give it a try~

So here's my veggie version of baked rice:

1. Cook your rice ( I used japanese pearl rice)

2. Slice button mushroom & cut mock ham into small cubes

3. Mix mushroom and ham with tomato puree and cook it slightly (Sprinkle a little oregano flakes)

4. Mix the tomato sauce with rice and place them in a casserole

3. Slice potatoes & zucchini (soak them in salt water)

4. Layer the zucchini & potato slices on top of the rice, cover the top layer with mozzarella cheese. (I added gouda cheese for extra flavour)

5. Bake it in the oven at 230 degree for about 30 minutes
6. Garnish with baby spinach

YAY~ its edible. haha!